Membership to the Amateur Radio Club of Parker County is open to anyone with an interest in Amateur Radio. Annual renewals are due no later than June 30th each year. There are five types of Club membership.
Types of membership
Full Membership
Open to the holder of a valid amateur radio license issued by the FCC. Full Members pay annual dues in the amount of $20.00, have a right to vote at Club meetings, and can hold office.
Associate Membership
Open to unlicensed persons interested in amateur radio communication and the purposes of the fraternity. Associate Members pay annual dues in the amount of $20.00, but do not have the right to vote nor hold office.
Upon receiving a valid amateur radio license issued by the Federal Communications Commission, they may convert to 'Full Membership' by submitting an updated membership application without additional cost.
Family Membership
Open to the holder of a valid amateur radio license issued by the Federal Communications Commission, and who, at the time of application, lives in the same household and is a member of the same immediate family as a 'Full Member' who is in good standing.
Family Members pay total annual dues in the amount of $20.00, have a right to vote, and hold office.
Life Membership
Offered to those members who make a one-time donation of $250.00 to the Club.
They may vote and hold office if they maintain a current amateur license issued by the Federal Communications Commission.
Honorary Membership
Open to persons or groups who by their interest provide significant support the Club.
They shall be nominated with introduction by a current Club member at a Regular Monthly Meeting, and will be elected to membership by not less than two-thirds of the members in good standing in attendance at the meeting.
Honorary members do not pay dues, but have a right to vote and hold office.
There is a one-time initiation fee of $5.00 to be paid with each initial new membership application.
Membership Application
It's easy to join ARCPC. Just fill out an application form (download copy at below link and print) and pay the applicable annual dues and initial initiation fee.
2020-2021 ARCPC Membership Application
Make checks or money orders are payable to the 'Amateur Radio Club of Parker County'.
You can either bring your ARCPC application and payment to any of our monthly Club Meetings or you can simply mail it in to the Club at:
Amateur Radio Club of Parker County
P.O. Box 1795
Weatherford, TX 76086-7795